Start your healing journey!
The program designed to help women with Celiac Disease fast track healing, by implementing a 3 step proven process, so that you can cut through the internet bull sh*t, overcome symptoms, start living with purpose, and chase your dreams!
you have total clarity on which foods you can safely eat and which foods trigger symptoms, so that you can experience complete freedom at meal time
you wake up daily feeling light, energized and completely free of symptoms. This new found freedom creates space for you to stop living life on the sidelines, and start actively participating in life!
you feel like the total expert on your body and health. You always have an exact plan in place to keep your symptoms away. You finally feel empowered over your health and life and no longer have to outsource your wellbeing to others.
you feel understood and validated that your struggle was real. You finally can stop asking the questions 'why me', 'is it in my head', 'why can no one help me'?
you finally have the energy and clarity to start chasing after your dreams- that job promotion, graduate degree, bucket list trip, starting a dream is off limits when symptoms aren't holding you back!
and the cherry on get to walk into your next doctors appointment and say 'I feel great! I finally figured out what was making me feel sick, and now I feel amazing'.
Personalized testing to identify what is causing your symptoms (beyond gluten)
Implement a proven elimination diet method that improves symptoms within 2 weeks
Heal and restore gut health so that you can keep symptoms away!
you'll also get video recordings going over your completely individualized protocols, based on YOUR results (no cookie cutter solutions here)
you'll receive personalized recordings reviewing your labs so that you know exactly what is going on with your body
daily access to coaches and a community that gets you 🙂
get support directly from a Celiac expert and get all your personal questions answered
Wheatzoomer, MRT- food sensitivity test, GI Map ($1500 value-all included)
Carefully curated modules that walk you through each step so you can go from symptom overload to symptom freedom!
Save $2000!
Initial payment $1,500
5 payments: $1400
For the past 10 years I've suffered from stomach pain, brain fog and migraines. I could never pinpoint what was causing them. I knew it was something I was eating, but I was absolutely baffled which foods were making me feel sick.
I had tried SO many elimination diets before I worked with Abby...Medical Medium, vegan diet, and low FODMAPs with no improvement at all. I had even done an at home Viome test, but felt the results were not helpful in helping me feel better.
I felt like my whole identity was wrapped up in feeling sick and following a super strict diet.
The difference between what I was feeling before I started and how I'm feeling now, just 3 months later, is mind blowing.
And the way the program was structured really helped me to actually succeed. It was amazing and I want to say thank you because it really has changed my life. It showed me progress and gave me the help that I was looking for!
I had only been diagnosed with Celiac Disease for a year when I decided to work with Abby. After a year of being gluten free I still struggled with daily stomach aches, headaches and brain fog.
I consider myself a high performer at work, but my symptoms were getting bad and happening so often, I was struggling to type out a simple email.
I was so thankful for the testing that helped show me exactly why I still had these lingering symptoms. As soon as I started the elimination diet I started to feel better.
Plus, even though I was limited in what I was eating I actually felt relieved because I knew the foods I was eating were making me feel good!
It felt amazing to finally have clarity around food AND to go through whole days and weeks (eventually months) without any symptoms.
Once I felt better I was actually offered a promotion at work, accepted it knowing that I could deliver the quality of work they expected from me. To say the program changed my life would be an understatement!
When I got my Celiac Diagnosis my doctor told me to go gluten free, so I did. But a year later I was still losing weight at a rapid pace. My family and friends were worried (so was I). I was also dealing with psoriasis, rosacea and bad bloating.
I had already tried a gluten free, anti-inflammatory and AIP diets, and spent 4 years on my own trying to figure out what was making me sick. I knew it was something I was eating, but couldn't figure out what. I was afraid to eat more than a few 'safe' foods.
I had stopped playing in my weekend basketball league and my brain fog was so bad that I had to quit my high paying job, because I couldn't keep up with the demand. But being a stay at home Dad was also a struggle to keep up with all the kid's activities.
During the program we did the tests I've mentioned and implemented the 3 step process.
In the first 10 days I had absolutely zero stomach issues. And in just 2 days of trying the elimination diet my psoriasis was almost gone. From there things just got better!I actually started GAINING weight and started playing basketball again. I even accepted a new job and I'm excited to have a career again!
There are over 300 symptoms associated with celiac disease… So if you’re thinking, ‘I have X, Y, Z symptoms, how do I know this is going to work for me?’
This program helps to alleviate almost all of those over 300 symptoms that are associated with celiac disease. This includes headaches, GI symptoms, skin issues, eyes, nose, weight, energy, mood, mental capacity… the list goes on and on.
So the answer is yes, yes, yes, yes it will.
This program is geared towards identifying and addressing the root cause. Almost all illness originates in the gut. So when we fix this underlying issue, all of the symptoms will melt away.
Typically clients see results within the first 4-6 weeks; sometimes a bit shorter, it just depends on the situation. Most clients see an initial significant improvement in symptom relief within the first two weeks, but to allow your body to fully heal, stick to the reverse elimination diet for a 4-6 week period.
A lot of people come to the program wondering, ‘how do I know if gluten is still causing symptoms, or if it's something else?’
This is exactly why we use the Wheat Zoomer panel; this is a peptide level test that looks for reactions to gluten protein, wheat protein, and wheat germ, which is actually the lectin component of wheat…
So we're really looking at all parts of that wheat plant and that gluten protein. And it's really going to help us get to the nitty gritty of whether or not your symptoms are related to continued gluten consumption.
It will even capture what I call those micro-exposures- really small incidents of cross contamination that sometimes pop up here and there.
The MRT food sensitivity test is unmatched by any other test on the market in it's ability to get symptom relief fast. This is because it tests all branches of the immune system, unlike the standard at home tests that only test for the IgG reactions.
The last test we utilize is the GI Map comprehensive stool analysis, which allows us to really understand what imbalances in the gut are contributing to symptoms.
Well this test gives us the data that we need to actually get you lasting results…
It can feel like food reactions are the problem, but they're actually just another symptom of what's really causing the problem.
Poor gut health imbalances of bacteria pathogens, poor digestion, intestinal permeability, and more. So the GI map really allows us to look at all those different things that I just listed off and see what's going on there.
What's not working and what needs to be healed via the root cause. So that gives us kind of that nice little bow on the end of your work together to help us heal up everything and get you feeling good.
The answer is you can, of course, do those elimination diets. But the problem is many people do them and either don't notice symptom relief, because they're too generalized.
You could still be eating foods that cause reactions for you specifically, and that's why the testing and the personalized elimination diet works so well in this program.
We are gathering personalized data for your body specifically on what you're reacting to. I have seen many clients test results that show that they react to broccoli, kale, sweet potato, and many other foods that are considered ‘safe’ to eat on many of these popular elimination diets… A personalized approach is essential…
The second major issue with general elimination diets is that even if you typically do feel better on an elimination diet for a period of time, when you get off of it you'll start to notice your symptoms creeping back in.
This is because you haven't actually fixed the problem that is causing the symptoms; which is actually healing the gut and addressing the root cause of the problem.
These elimination diets will give you partial relief because they are removing some of the triggering foods… But they certainly don't remove all of them, and they certainly don’t address rebuilding the health of the gut…
So the symptoms will come back.
So if you've had that experience where you've tried a general elimination diet, and then you noticed the symptoms coming back shortly after completing it, then that is the reason why,
Well, I've got tons of clients that can testify to the fact that in even just seven days they're feeling significantly better. And that is a full week before the real tipping point happens around the 14 day mark.
Usually we see a minimum of 50%, and even up to 70% improvement in symptoms in just that first two weeks. So how does it help you feel better so fast?
Well, it gives your immune system a complete break from foods that are causing inflammation and triggering symptoms. So this is where that key second step comes in with the reverse elimination diet, which allows us to pretty much guarantee that you are only eating foods that are safe for you.
Every food that you're putting in your body is no longer triggering your immune system or causing inflammation. So it really just takes that inflammation from realy high, and just drops it immediately.
And your body feels like it can breathe again –it's not having to constantly battle and fight off these triggers.
So that's why it works so quickly is because of that reverse elimination diet method that we use.
This program does do a lot to address some of these other concerns like stress, poor sleep, food quality, blood sugar imbalances from processed gluten free foods, the program is really designed to help with all of those possible factors that may be contributing to your symptoms.
But then there are also a few things like mold and heavy metal toxicity that this program isn't necessarily designed for…
So if you suspect mold exposure having to do with your sickness or illness or heavy metal toxicity, that would be something to be addressed outside of this program.
And the answer is yes, to get lifelong results and lifelong symptom management or relief, you have to still be focusing on maintaining those daily habits to keep your symptoms at bay.
That's just the way it is. But what we do is we help give you the jumpstart in the initial six-month program to get that symptom relief and then we help continue to teach you what to look for and what to do to maintain your symptom relief.
These are the daily choices to consider, to help keep those symptoms away. That's what we do inside the program.
I usually suggest people continue on into the Symptom Creep Solution program, after completing the initial program, which allows us to keep our hand on the trigger of what might be causing those symptoms to flare up, and just begin to rebalance things if they start to head in the wrong direction.
Knowing how to rebalance is part of dealing with an autoimmune condition. Things are going to shift, life is going to ebb and flow. It's important to know how you get back to feeling good again, so that you have a lot more good days than you have bad days…
So the continuation package also allows us to continue to look at your labs each year, like the wheat Zoomer, the GI map, micronutrients, other things that might be creeping up or continuing to trigger symptoms as you continue on in your journey.
6 months is about the amount of time it takes to do the heavy lifting of that elimination diet plus that gut healing.
I have found that most of the time six months is enough to allow your body to really rebuild the gut health that is the key to lasting relief.
Well, to be quite honest, the investment matches the value of the program. It really matches the time and effort that I put in on my end to get you the results. After working with hundreds of clients, I truly believe - and my former clients have told me this as well - that the cost of the program is actually a bargain, if you consider the transformation that you're going to get out of the program… It is not an overestimation to say that these results will change your life!
So not only does the program include ALOT of weekly support from myself personally, but you also have access to the group, which has proved to be invaluable to my clients.
We use the highest quality tests that are out there. And these are included in the price of the program… The wheat Zoomer, the MRT and the GI map, are the best tests out there, and they will ensure that the results we receive are accurate. These tests do cost quite a bit; these aren't just your standard at home tests that give you faulty results…
The reason that I structured the program this way, with these tests in particular, instead of just saying, ‘Hey, you can just do whatever lab testing you want.’; Is because these tests give us this accurate data… and this is what we need to get to the bottom of what's going on to get you the result that you want.
I pride myself on results. My program gets results and the reason why my program gets results is because we do not cut any corners…
Also, yes, this program is a bit of an investment, but I need you to be as invested in getting the results as I AM invested in helping you get the result. Again, when you join, we are entering on a journey together. I am with you every step of the way.
It's a team effort between you and me. I can't get the result for you on my own, ALL I can do is give you ALL the information, ALL the instructions and ALL the support, but ultimately you're the one that has to show up every day and buy into this and say, yes, this is worth doing
Yes I want to show up and make these changes to feel better.
So the program is an investment in your health for the long haul. If your health is your priority and especially if your health is keeping you from doing other things in life, which is what I hear time and time again from clients…
I can’t go to work? I'm calling in sick to work all the time because of my symptoms.
I'm showing them to work, but I'm getting passed over promotions because I really can't do my job as well as I'd want to.
I feel like I lay in bed all weekend, even though my kids are home, but I just don't feel well enough to get up and spend time with them…
Or younger people - or older people, whoever - you know, ‘I'm not dating, I'm not putting myself out there because just the thought of going out to a restaurant kind of gives me anxiety and I just feel sick no matter what I eat, and I don't want to be running to the bathroom during the date.
All these different things and more…
If you feel like your health is keeping you from ultimately living the life that you dream of, whatever that dream is for you…
And if your health and your quality of life is limiting you from that, then the investment in this program is only a fraction of the true cost of all of this. A fraction of all the things you will continue to miss out on, if the symptoms continue to hold you back. This is an investment worth making. And it is an investment not only in your health, it is an investment that will allow you to finally achieve the quality of life that you desire, and that you deserve.
And if you're still thinking about the investment I totally get it. But I want you to kind of maybe reframe it a little bit.
Think about how much money you may spend in other areas of your life. Maybe it's a new TV, maybe it's a vacation.
Maybe it's a wedding day photographer. I know I spent on my wedding day photographer, I paid her almost four grand for a day's worth of work and then plus editing right… But really that was the product, the result that I was getting for $4,000.
The thing is we spend money in a lot of different places in our lives.
But, how important are those things compared to your daily ability to get up out of bed and feel energized and ready to take on the day and say, YES, I'm ready.
YES, I can do this. YES, I feel great. Because if we take a look at where we are spending our money, there's often ways that we can look a little closer and reprioritize how we spend that money to make an investment like this in your health, which I'm going to argue - and of course, this is what I do - and I fully believe that feeling well and living a fulfilling life is the ultimate gift… And if your not able to experience it, ‘man it just feels awful’.
So to me, like, of course, that seems like a much bigger priority than some of these other areas we may spend money on.
If it still seems like a high investment, just start to look at your spending habits, see where else you're spending money, vacations, all those things and see if there's a way to reprioritize for a short time, so that you can actually get your life back so that you can actually enjoy all those things, right.
You may be thinking ‘I can’t just invest a great amount of time each week, because I am busy with work and family and things like that…
So, as far as the timeline goes, it takes a week to do the testing, then we get the results back…
Like I said we expect about a 50 percent improvement in those symptoms within those first two weeks; the whole process takes around 3 months.
And as far as time commitment, and what it's going to cost you to show up each week, really it’s just the effort you have to put into making sure you do the elimination process correctly.. So just making sure you have the right foods in your house..
Yes, there will be some cooking involved… But outside of that, it's just weekly calls which will be around an hour or two of your week, and other than that, you can get support through the group.
So it’s really not a huge time investment each week.
So, if you’re worried about time, I wouldn't let that hold you back because through our working together we can get you to where you want to be quicker, in a three month period of time, than if you were trying to do this on your own for years and years on your own.